Wet & Smelly

The bugger hangs about near the pond pretending to be sniffing about and catching up with scents. Then when I am what he considers a reasonable distance away to claim he hadn't heard me saying "No" he jumps in...........

Visited the camera club's exhibition in the art gallery in Whitburn this morning.
The owner was saying it has been well worth it and has had a lot of interest - which is good to know. He is also having people select their top 3 images and will let us know at the end of the exhibition. It will be interesting to see what the 'public' considers a quality image.

We stopped of at one of my niece's on the way home. The monsters played with her daughters beautifully (they are 13 & 10) - lots of laughter from all of them which was good to hear - it meant that there was interaction and and not the older ones entertaining the younger ones because they had to.

Squirrel was quite rightly chuffed when we finished building her Lego boat this afternoon.
The Cygnet was fairly well behaved but was getting a bit antsy at not being allowed to build his sister's Lego as she was getting to close to the end.

Decay seemed to be the theme of my pictures today when out and about - not deliberately.
Even the Thistle was past its best.

I have been getting really hacked off with the mess and the noise from the pigeons in the garden lately - so I hacked them off and evicted them and removed the two bundles of twigs that passes for nests.

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