Life in Sunny Dubai

By GadgetKid


We are going to visit friends up in Nottingham tomorrow who will soon be moving down to this part of the world in September, so G had this brilliant idea to go and check out the place for them.

Ian is a retired Archdeacon and has been offered Supported Housing in Hindhead (interesting name!). This place is so close to us, we are quite thrilled, but of course for them, it means leaving their home and friends of almost twenty years.

We checked out the church they will most likely go to (my blip) - St. Alban's. It looks quite lively with programmes for different age groups. We then went look for the Post Office to see if we could get a parish magazine, and came across a COINS Cookie Bar. Great concept outlet to help people with special needs get work experience; we thought it would only be right to have a cup of coffee to support them.

We came back through the Hindhead tunnel (love it) and via Godalming as I keep being told I've got to see it. I guess I need to do more than just drive through it to fully appreciate it.

We finished off the day with a trip back to Wonersh for a bible study at the URC. We were a very small but enthusiastic group; they were studying Jacob.

And now I must get to bed for an early start.

I don't know if this qualifies for WildWed72; I am wild about photographing interesting interiors. :)

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