
By Frogbit

16 What's leaving the frame

#30daysofcomposition - not very easy and I wasn't feeling inspired. I had some possible pics which met the brief from our holiday but they, clearly, would not be usable for today's blip so Fruitcake cat in a post-catnip torpor had to do.

The day before Son 1's results and the tension was building - for me anyway. He was off with his friends camping on the south coast, incommunicado due to lack of charging facilities. The afternoon was interrupted by a phone call from his college. When the lady announced where she was calling from I felt my heart sink - perhaps she was preparing us for bad news. However she asked if Son 1 would be available to attend a results day gathering for the local press and a celebration which the college principal was laying on tomorrow morning. But, obviously, she didn't tell me his results and I certainly wasn't brave enough to ask if she knew them. Son 1 came back in the late afternoon and seemed remarkably chilled about what the morning might bring.

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