Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Back to school shop

We always leave it so late. I apparently embarrassed them by doing an impression of some nearby teenage boys, the boys heard me, there was nearly a rumble...it was a bit West Side Story, but we got out of the shop in one piece.

She didn't buy this jacket, its just we tend to try on the most garish things for some light relief as school clothes shopping is soul destroying. Then we dented some more of her christmas giftcards on her current obsession....makeup contouring. I went uncharacteristically girly through osmosis and got a face mask, first time in years, I imagine it's going to rip my face clean off, perhaps unleashing the thin person that's been hiding inside for the past 15 years, hahaha. I also bought some fabric squares to mess about with my new found sewing machine cockyness, it is indeed going to get messy, there will be blood.

I bumped into an old work colleague who is emigrating to sunny Spain, it sounded bliss, viva Europe!

Back home to stressy husband fretting about NEOS, yes, it's that time of year again. While I'm just relieved having got one of my most challenging periodic work event meetings out of the way today. But I don't blip about work as an unconscious rule so enough of that kind of thing.

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