Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


What a night with Lewis! He was full of beans as soon as I walked in the door.
I don't know how it happened but we ended up playing in the kitchen sink and we started doing floating and sinking. I felt like I  was back at work! Good fun though, finding things in the kitchen to use. I ran my hand through Lewis' 'badly needing a haircut hair' and playing with it. We tried a Mohican but it was too long.

After tea we went out on his bike with stabilisers. He wasn't keen as he is finding it hard to pedal , so has lost confidence. We persuaded him with lots of lines and eventually he put his helmet on and got on the bike. He pedalled right away! I think he surprised himself as he kept shouting 'I'm pedalling'!

A good night, ending, in him falling out of bed as we were leaving!

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