The Churches
Along the South Shore of Nova Scotia, lie Mahone Bay and Lunenburg. Prime real estate along here and both are beautiful. Mahone Bay has the iconic three churches that are quite beautiful to view form across the Bay. We were fortunate to see them on a foggy morning when the sun was breaking through. Luckily we got to see inside the center church which is historic and gorgeous!
Lunenburg was also shrouded in fog when we arrived but the fog lifted so we drove around to the other side to view all the colourful buildings that it is so famous for. We also visited another historic church that had burnt down in the late 1990's. Luckily, Parks Canada had designated it as a historic site, a few years previously so had documented its features well in photographs so they were able to rebuild. Very odd to walk up the stairs to the balcony and the stairs are worn and detail was left out! (see extra). The firefighters were able to save valuable pieces of the original altar and a few other artifacts (like the stone baptismal font and the huge metal cross that hangs over the altar).
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