an image of teamdel

By teamdel

Play Loud Sore Finger

And they always do play loud!

Stressfull day of worrying about a list of things, including the leaky roof which is not covered by insurance due to low wind speeds. At least the insurance company did eventually agree I was a customer after the first call that lasted about half an hour informed me that I was not on any records with them.

I then spent the afternoon in social media training that turned out to be hosted by a chap who used to work with my Wife.

Girl had a tougher day as she trapped her little finger in a door at school and instead of making a fuss she opened the door and decided to be brave even though her face didn't want to. She then decided to not tell anyone and continue to be brave. She said her finger got all warm and then when she went outside it got even warmer.

Hearing this story made both Wife and I feel for her as she took on such a thing at her new school clearly a little too shy still to ask for help when she probably should have done. Looking at the finger it looks ok, just a bit sore. We have told her that in future she must tell a grown up, or at least get a friend to tell a grown up for her. Hopefully she will, even if she does want to be brave.

Thankfully Girl had something else happen today that although made her feel awkward was exciting. The other day she came up with a story about a sun fair. As she told Wife acted as her scribe. Girl then wrote the title on the top of it. We were so impressed with her story that we passed it to her new teacher who today read it out loud to her class. At the end of the story the whole class gave her a round of applause. As she told us she went all coy. She agreed that she was pround of her self but felt quite shy of the appreciation. We are also proud.

In other news thankfully my water catching device in the roof seems to have worked well enough considering the weather today. Even more thankfully not as much rain as I was expecting got in, just under a pint I reckon. Now I just need to find a grown up to fix the roof in all this rain.

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