Together - FF18
I took this early in the day and, yes, it's two images sandwiched together. The idea was not just to do another double exposure, but to try and illustrate (for myself at least) this particular turning point in the year, the hinge between summer and autumn.
However, that's not entirely - or even mainly - why I've called this Together. Last night when I posted, news of the attack in Barcelona was only just beginning to seep out of the radio. Today we have been told a lot more and the appalling numbers of dead are becoming more apparent, though it seems unlikely the final number has yet been reached. So perhaps it shouldn't have been a surprise (though it was) to see the local cinema has taken down the names of the films currently showing and put up on its outside hoarding the simple message, "Together with Barcelona'. I felt quite choked.
Bliplove to you all - and big thanks to BikerBear for hosting FlowerFriday - xx
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