Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Brightening the dining room

I had not gotten any grocery store flowers in over a month so today when I went to the store (for the 3rd time this week..write a list Mary!!) I just had to get some bright yellow and pink flowers.  Hoping they will last a while!

It is terribly hot here..highs in the upper 90s (35C) with a heat index up over 100.  I get a headache just being out in the heat.   So I have gotten two books read so far this week because I just sit in the house in the cool air.  I try to walk the dog a little but I have been waiting until after 8pm to do that and then just a very short walk.   I am really ready for fall.

Monday is the solar eclipse that will be directly over my house.  I have a friend from high school who is coming to my yard to set up his three cameras (he is a big techno geek about his cameras!) so he can get photos. He lives in Virginia. He is all about manual mode, filters, and others things that I don't normally bother with.  It will be interesting to see what I learn from him.    The cities and towns along the path of the eclipse in South Carolina have sold out of hotel rooms( at outlandish prices I have heard) and they are estimating thousands of  people will be here to see the eclipse.  Many places are having parties, school is closed, some offices are closed so that people can share the experience with family and friends.   I may take a photo at full coverage of the sun but I am really interested in the shadows and other phenomena that I have heard happens.   The heat wave is continuing into next week so I may be sitting in the shade on the porch with a fan blowing on me.  

Hope all have a great weekend.

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