this lovely life

By kellyrenee

Not Pretty. Yet.

I just woke up. David brought me a cup of coffee and my laptop but kept the light off, just in case I wanted to continue to rest. See what a nice man I've married? Eventually, the pungent aroma of the dark black brew sitting on my bedside table awoke the craving and I sat up, turned on the lamp and the television, and opened the laptop. Not a terrible way to start the day. I clicked this cell phone picture of good ol' George, who is holding what I believe is his final press conference while in office. I always feel a certain amount of pity for the man when he speaks, and I most certainly do not envy his position. The President of the United States will always garner a certain amount of respect in certain circles but an extreme amount of ridicule in others; it doesn't matter who is standing behind the podium, they will be scrutinized, criticized, and perhaps even ostracized. This reminds me: I dreamt of JFK last night. I cannot remember what it was about, I just remember he was in my dream. Hmmm.....

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