twinned with trumpton


And so after a bit of breakfast, we took advantage of the stiff breeze that was still in evidence from yesterday and got on the bikes. Bound for North Berwick; which we did in a couple of hours; barel breaking sweat (well, I didn't) 
It was heaving; some raft race thingy? So we quickly grabbed a coffee and a soup and a 20p bridie and the ndecided to brave the return leg; mindful of the station stops on the way back if the wind / weather proved tiresome. With great timing, as we passed the station, one of my back spokes went ping; so we grabbed the train that was leaving in 3 minutes and just headed off home. 

Back in town, we foraged briefly for blackberries for dessert; then I did a pork and cider casserole; then I went out; G came home, I came back and dinner / drama / nonsense ensued. Still no further forward with that particular thing; in fact possibly now worse off. Tch...

Extra is a nod in the direction of Uncertain

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