a teachers journey

By EmmaDaisyduck

If only I had the hangover

Well today was back to work after a residential this weekend and what a day it was....

Got up this morning with a banging headache, no coffee in the house And wishing it was the weekend again as it didn't feel like I had had one!!

Got to work eventually after dragging my tired arse to the car, and survived teaching with no Hicups that I could make out, finished at job number 1 and went straight to job number 2 where I spent probably 3 hours on the phone sorting out tomorrows plans! Then had the honours of 2 meetings still with a killer headache and in the meantime daisy tries to give up the ghost and cuts out while going round a roundabout!! Then I had to jump start her on the way to my final meeting, was just glad to get home at 10pm!!
However I now have to spend the rest of the evening planning for tomorrow as I didn't take my laptop on the residential - so I thought that the book I previously bought last year would be a good read if I had time but then again they should change the title to "how to teach in fe with a migraine!" Cos I can't imagine the story to be much different!!

Fingers crossed the headache goes by morning!

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