Standing Tall
Dear Diary,
I am so very proud of Boston. 40,000 people turned out to march against hate and white supremacy. The "Free Speech" rally drew less than a hundred. What a show of solidarity and strength. Watching the counter protestors chanting "Boston Strong" with the police and then embracing them brought tears to my eyes. Yes, there were a few scuffles and arrests but no injuries and the police commissioner said that 99.9% of the people were lawful and respectful. I even saw that some counter protestors assisted, yes, assisted a few Trump supporters to get through the crowds unmolested! Yes, I am so proud that Boston showed the world how to do it.
I strolled out to the garden briefly to see what state it is in, a sorry one I'm afraid. This is a "volunteer" sunflower. I planted some dwarf sunflowers in the container on the stone wall last year and this one came up from seeds dropped by those. The light was lovely on the leaves and on the wings of the tiny honey bee hard at work on the flower's sweet face turned optimistically towards the sun. Both the sunflower and Boston stood tall yesterday.
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