
By solaev21


I wasn't quite sure what I should blip today, as we were quite tired and needed to relax.

Some of you know how hard the last year has been. Sometimes, blip helped me to get through the day - to have something to focus on - just the camera and me. On other days, I didn't have the headspace to even think about taking a photo, so I had to accept that I might not be able to blip every day.

Yula is my blip today, because she is part of our new life now. She is therapy, a delight, makes us laugh and shows us "the joys of life".

I would like to thank everyone for your kindness, for your support and for your friendship here on blip. You have no idea what it means to me, particularly on these very bad days. I wasn't always able to comment on your journals, but I love looking at your pictures and gaining insight into your lives. And what fantastic photographs to look at - so much inspiration. I learned so much from you all, and I think I look at my surroundings in a different way since I joined blip nearly 1 1/2 years ago.

Thank you!!!!!

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