Certainly Uncertain

By shyBadger

Ooo, Poor Baby!

Corra passed out on our couch after bringing her home from her spay surgery today. She is a very, very sleepy/groggy dog. It is so weird when Loki is the spazzy, energetic dog in the family! She made it through surgery just fine. It took her a bit longer before they'd let her go home with us (originally they said after 3pm, and then they said to wait until 6pm). But hooray, she is home! The only ding that came up was that the vet was concerned about her left back leg. It seems to be loose and pops out of the socket. Seeing as she is a Corgi and they are known for having awkward hips, I am not going to panic just yet. I am going to get in contact with her breeder and see about maybe getting her into a chiropractic vet, see if something is off kilter and her muscles are maybe less developed on the left side. For right now though, I am just happy my puppy is home :3

(Sorry for the lack of comments lately, I haven't had a chance to catch up - I promise to over the next day!)

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