
This is not Macbeth. It is the Golden boy on the dome of Old College at Edinburgh University. The extra shows the dome to the right. I continue to be impressed at the magnification of my hand held compact camera!

Today was entertaining some young people at church during the service, followed by taking my aunt out for a belated 92nd birthday lunch then off to the Festival Theatre for the new production of Verdi's 'Macbeth. 70 years ago this was in the opening of the first Edinburgh Festival.

The signing and orchestration were wonderful. But for me the staging was the highlight. The Game of Thrones overlay was used to good effect and there were some very dramatic scenes with shadowy figures and the use of swords glinting in the lights.

Some bits jarred: the Birnham woods being made of prickly pears; Lady Macbeth in her mad scene being followed by motorised hospital beds. The entry of King Duncan involving jesters and acrobats and soldiers clashing their swords in playful manner - all driven I suspect by Verdi's music at that point. The death of Duncan becoming a Pieta.

The witches scenes involved stayrs wearing anatomically endowed boxer shorts and the scenes of production line births producing babies for the cauldron were striking. But for me some of the staging was the highlight - with fantastic use of chairs being placed to form a stepped staircase to the high throne, the use of lighting, red capes and billowing drapes. All in all a great experience.

Not quite sure how work tomorrow will compare, though the dance show in the evening offers promise.

On exiting the theatre while waiting to get transport home the evening sunlight was catching the golden boy on the dome, hence the blip.

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