
By shy

A nice cup o' tea to go with me four sugars.

Flick and I went down to the smoke to visit the Annie Liebowitz exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery. I managed to freeze my eyeballs during the walk from the car-park to the gallery and spent most of the time busting to go to the loo. We met up with Emily and Lance and Jen (photogenic) and her boyfriend Rob.
The exhibition was actually quite good although the loo was some way downstairs in the bowels of the building (appropriately enough). I'm not an expert at famous photograpers, but I was pleased to note that the exhibition was full of photographs which had been printed out and put on the wall (something I don't see a lot of), so I wasn't at all disappointed. It was also full of people, so one had to plot a very strange route around the exhibition in order to avoid looking at the back of people's heads for 90% of the time.
During the course of the day we managed to visit a couple more exhibitions, meet up with Ed and Sarah and get plenty of tea, beer and grub down us. All the restaurants had loos which were frequently used by all of us on account of the beer, tea and freezing weather.
This picture is proof that Lance really does put four sugars in his tea.
After a very nice day of culture, we finished off the day in a Thai restaurant followed by a traffic-free journey home with just one stop for coffee and another one for the loo.

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