Thank Goodness For Credit Cards... seems that the count-down has started and all that goes along with sending your eldest child off to university for the first was all about stocking up for living in halls of residences...sorting out pans and plates and bowls and then buying bedding and towels and cutlery and all the things we don't have going spare in the Kit house...thank goodness for credit cards!

By the afternoon I was exhausted so rather than riding, Milo was lunged in the outdoor school and he is now starting to relax in the different environment so the next step will be to start riding him in there when the surface refurbishment planned for this week is completed. I am enjoying working with such a young horse and learing together, but as those of you in the know will understand, there is no chance to relax and be complacent and I do miss Johnny for that...he was the same as Milo when I first got him fresh from race training, but he had matured to be pretty chilled and I could just hop on and go for a relaxing pootle if I wasn't feeling like working him in the school..I know Milo will get there eventually, but at times it feels like a long way off.

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