On the Move

My neighbour will be moving house soon to another property in the town and plans to take her new garden shed with her.  It has been loaded on to a trailer to make the short journey to the other side of town, so hope it gets there safely.

TJ has gone fishing on a local loch with a friend, so my plan was to drive to Dundee for a bit of retail therapy. However, I find I am quite anxious about going out on my own at the moment in case my hip gives way on me altogether, so will wait until tomorrow when he is free to come with me. 

As a very independent person, I am taking this lack of mobility very hard, especially as there doesn't appear to be any end in sight.  Forgive me for feeling so sorry for myself, when there are so many others much worse off, but I just wanted to get it off my chest:-)  Will say no more about it now!

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