
By dennismccoy79

Butterflies and timber treatments

Yesterday we discovered some rot in the timbers that hold up our dining room floor.  We can get underneath them by going into the basement and we inspect them regularly as they are very old oak beams, hard as rocks, but vulnerable to insect and damp attack.  Today we woke up fearful that the house was about to fall down, so we armed ourselves with torches and sharp "poking"  tools and did a full inspection.  98% of the timbers are fine.  Of the other 2%, some are crumbling (but only superficially) and two small sections need to be treated and supported with new timber.  Phew!  Nowhere near as bad as we had feared.  We went and bought gallons of timber treatments and worked out a renovation plan.  Otherwise we had a good day with 32 degrees sunshine, lunch and dinner in the garden the latter comprising aiguillettes de canard with green beans and potatoes roasted with garlic; a Sarrabelle Syrah "futs de chene" to accompany.  Oh, and the butterflies were everywhere today and I had fun experimenting with different camera settings.

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