Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

Only nutjobs love wasps

That maybe so, but they are swarming our back room and kitchen, I even had one in my hair this morning which took all of me not to panic like crazy, so this is a deterrent to keep them way....way, way, way....down the back garden. They start to starve round about this time of year as their food is no longer available in their chewed wood des res and just like me when I get hungry, they get grumpy, diva like and a bit stingy. So I'm keeping them nice and...sweet, I hate to think of them starving to death, even though I've been stung (it was my fault, I didn't realise the wasp had got to the strawberry I was picking first, I would have stung too if a large human hand suddenly squeezed me)

All in all probably a stupid idea but they had certainly made fast work of the jam soup by teatime. Big up to the wasps!

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