MonoMonday Water

After an exhaustive search for eclipse viewing glasses, and trying to decide where would be the best place to view the eclipse (beach, mountains, fields).  If you didn't have the glasses it really didn't matter where you'd go to visit, but then I found out yesterday that the local libraries had a supply and if you attended their programs, you'd be given a pair.  What could be easier.  The library is about 3 miles from my home and it's a small town.  No crowds, no traffic, lots of little ones and a good book for the last of summer reads (in extra).  This little garden is outside the front door and the local children design it each year.  They're given pieces of color and they collaboratively decide where each color will go.  We only had 62% totality so it was a bit anti-climatic, but still caught up with some old friends and the day was perfect for sitting outside and viewing the phenomenon.

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