Health and Safety
This is the machete TallGirl bought Mr B a while ago. We'd been vaguely looking for it lately, having a vague recollection of having hidden it in case of interest from visiting small people, and today I found it. So, I'd expect some health and safety nonsense given the sharpness of the blade and obvious, you know, dangerousness of machetes, but chemicals? I can only imagine the warning refers to the two little silica sachets...
The machete was needed to strip down lots of bamboo, which I collected today free of charge after dropping Mr B off at the airport. Despite the car being absolutely rammed, I only seem to have managed to have collected about 25. Still, that's 25 canes towards some kind of bamboo screen by the pond, only another (estimate) 200 to go...
In other news, there is none. It was super-hot, I had to shout at boys who were throwing stones at my door (without use of the word 'stone' which had mysteriously disappeared from my vocabulary), and I gave TallGirl a hint of how frustrating DIY can be "what, we have to check the level AGAIN? It can't have moved. [checks level] Oh my god it moved - how did it move?"
And it turns out Mr B is right: no matter how many screws you have in the house, you never ever ever have the right ones. And the DIY store is always just about to close when you realise that.
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