Acorn delight

The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Acorns as Good Luck Charms

Both the acorn, the fruit of the oak tree and Oak Tree itself were regarded as important symbols for different cultures. The ancient Druids believed that both the oak and its fruit contained special powers.

According to Avia Venefica, "During the Norman Conquest, the English carried dried acorns to protect themselves from the brutalities of the day." The acorn was an emblem of luck, prosperity, youthfulness and power, as well as as representation of spiritual growth.

In Norse and Celtic culture, acorns symbolized life, fertility and immortality. Others regard the acorn as a symbol for power and survival.

According to the Acorn and Oaks page, since the acorn only appears on a fully mature oak, it is may be regarded as a symbol of the patience needed to attain goals over long periods of time, thus representing perseverance and hard work.

Thus acorns represent luck, prosperity, youthfulness, life, fertility, immortality, power, survival, spiritual growth, patience, perseverance and hard work. With acorns representing so many different traits and desirable characteristics, they make good positive symbolic gifts.

One recommendations for coping with a difficult year is to strew a few acorns around your table at Thanksgiving and realize the great power in these small packages.

Acorns-The Oak Nut

I gathered a bag of acorns for my friends after walking the labyrinth by our church yesterday. We have mostly pine and maple trees around us, so these lovely oak gifts are quite a treat for the squirrels , jays and chipmunks .

For the Record.
This day came in cold again with a lovely breeze blowing sunlit leaves all about.

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