Duke of Wellington

With TT being away, as usual I was worried I would sleep in, so had multiple alarms set.  I didn’t sleep in as I was woken at 5am by a boy complaining of sore feet!  I think he had cramp.  So, I was up and ready in good time, and got him ready in good time.  He scooted to breakfast club and I got the bus into work, but immediately had to head off to get the train to Glasgow to attend a  meeting.  Over four hours later I emerged from the meeting.  I was drained – as it had been really hot in the room.  I was also starving.

I walked back to the station with the chap I had been sitting next too.  The day had totally turned around, and it was just like summer.  I grabbed a sandwich and got on the train back to Edinburgh.  I was only back in the office for about an hour before it was time for me to head home. 

I was on a different bus tonight – and it was the worst journey I have had in a while.  The bus was late , it was already packed when I got on, and got even more packed when the driver continued to let more people on.  I stood all the way home, with a chap behind me breathing on the back of my head and chatting away to himself.  For most of the journey I couldn’t even see out of the window, so if I had been on the wrong bus, I wouldn’t have known.

It was a huge relief to eventually get off the bus.  I turned up twenty five minutes late for my slot as badminton parent helper, thankfully a couple of other parents had hung around to cover my absence.  BB was in his element being back at badminton – and said he hoped that he had played well for the new coach.  He had his first homework tonight, but only reading and he had already done it at after school club – hurrah!

By the time we got home we were both exhausted.  TT appeared home not long after us after his long drive home.

I had a great view of the Clyde from the meeting room I was in this morning, and should have blipped it – but instead here is the Duke of Wellington on a unicorn.

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