Garden reflections

Just a crop of a shot of the reflections of the greenery in the back garden on a glass print of one of my favourite images which hangs in the kitchen, it always reminds me that you have to consider quite seriously how you want your images shown, on non-reflective material like aluminium the colours will be less vibrant and the prints will have a more painterly  and 2D atmosphere. On reflective material the colours will be deeper and the image will have more depth but obviously you will have reflections !  For Abstract Thursday with the optional theme of 'reflective'. I'm so looking forward to all your possible interpretations of the theme :-) There are reflective surfaces and moments everywhere ! Don't forget to tag it AT113, to check about 10 minutes later on if your entry shows up in the whole collection and if not, to tell me about it !

Thanks so much for your kind comments, stars and even faves for yesterday's little weed macro.

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