The Orient Express

By koko

Keeper for the day

Well that's it I want a new job after enjoying my job as keeper for the day.
The first job of the day was feeding a section of the birds, hands in for the apple mix, live mealworm mix, all good fun.
I then had to deliver the macaw to the front entrance to greet the public.
Then it was inside the King Penguin enclosure to throw the fish to the Penguins while the head keeper did the talk. I even got a nice leg nibble from the penguin, ouch.Quite a crowd were watching but to tell you the truth I didn't enough notice them.
Time for lunch.....
Then off to the petting corner, I had to rake a whole pen out, phew that was a killer, then I had to brush all the dust from the giant tortoise and give the little ones a bath, dry them and put them away.
In between time I had to supervise the petting of a very friendly rabbit while the kids lined up, I had to keep one hand on the rabbit at all times. I also had to make sure the kids didn't squash the tortoise. It was kicking out time at the petting area. I was put in charge of the parrot and quickly walked towards my waiting camera, can you see the keeper getting worried as I walked away with his bird. After safety putting the birds away, I helped out at the hatcheries and was then was whisked away to feed the Pelicans. It was then a final check at the egg room and off home.
All I wanted to do was do it all again the next day..
Well I finally got to use my birthday present up after 11 months and what a great thought out present it was. Well done to my pal

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