Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

The Pony Club does Mountaineering

I took myself out for a walk today.  It was long overdue, but because of that I didn't try anything too strenuous.  I chose a 7 1/2 miler (which inevitably turned into a 9 miler).  There was only about 350 metres climbing initially, up from the small village of Abdon to Brown Clee in Shropshire.  

Just as I was reaching the first summit (there are two high points about a mile apart), I could hear voices.  To my surprise it was this group from the Pony Club.  Whether it was the camera hanging around my neck I'll never know but I was asked by the lead rider if I'd take a photograph of the group with her camera phone.  They then headed off down the hill.

They weren't the only ponies I saw on the walk.  I'm assuming they have introduced a two small herds of wild ponies on to the moor.  I almost posted the extra shot as the main image under the title, 'You scratch my back......".

I must admit, towards the end I wasn't sure whether the achilles on my left ankle, or the combination of joint pain in the right ankle and knee was winning.  It was good to get back to the car and sit down.  A thoroughly enjoyable day, despite some light rain and cold wind as I reached the trig point and toposcope at Abdon Burf.

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