Let There Be Light

By solli

Chickweed Geometer

Haematopis grataria

A glorious day! I was able to pay a quick visit to Lenape this morning where I spotted the tinest bit of yellow flying about. Of course I had to follow it, so I picked my way through the milkweed and foxtail hoping for another glimpse. I found it resting on the foxtail and since I know next to nothing about moths, a visit to the BAMONA website was in order for identification.

The males have the wonderful feathery antennae, and I think he's just lovely with his raspberry markings and fringe. I'm pretty stoked to have spotted him!

Heading back tomorrow as the butterflies are still in town, as are the dragons and the yellow warblers. I saw the woodpecker fly overhead and a few Savannah sparrows which are feeding in the field.

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