A Book at Bedtime!

This really was a 'book at bedtime'  -  I sat up until 2 am this morning reading the first part.  I read the second part this morning and finished the book. I quite forget why I ordered it from Amazon  -  probably something to do with the fact that I'm just completing the final week of the University of Edinburgh's free online course 'How to read a Novel'!  I happened to mention to the delivery-man that although I have a Kindle I do prefer paper books. He then told me a sad story of how after a move of house he had stored all his books in boxes and cases in his garage which he rarely used, and then after they had been there for some months he returned to the garage to find there had been several leaks in the roof and all his books were ruined.  He does use a Kindle but prefers audio books now, and has a project of only reading one author at a time from their first book to their last. Sounds a good way of reading a novel:)  This book is Gail Honeyman's first  -  hope she writes more and then I can follow the delivery-man's example.  Her style is just up my street, and I laughed a lot during the first part, but when I read the second part this morning I felt slightly guilty at having laughed so much during the first part.  My bookmark is a new one that I bought for 60p in Dobbies.

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