depends on where you are
In Ireland we have a story that goes like this. A man stops an Irishman and asks "how do I get to Newcastle?". The Irishman answers, thoughtfully "well, if I were you, I wouldn't start from here...". So often we end up in places we didn't want to be or were even afraid to be. Mostly this place is no more than a stopping point, a halt on the way on life's journey. Nonetheless it can be a frightening place. At such times it is vital to get your bearings and find out were you are in relation to other things, be that friends, family or geographic places. Once we have our sense of place we can begin to re-assess our situation, drawing strength in the fact that we are not the first person to have been there and that we are not far from safety and the light of the love of others. Enjoy the scenery!
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