Growing old disgracefully



Happy rainy day, mainly spent in what I laughingly call the studio.  The fire extinguisher arrived after the Professor was alarmed at me doing stuff up there that involved a mini blowtorch. 
Later, in a change to crustimony proceedcake, the VIP came to stay.  He is attending BBs in our village, so we get him on a Friday night instead of Saturday.  This calls for some adjustment.  He wondered when he was getting his dinner (we went all Edinbugger on him and said you'll have had your tea) and was surprised when bed time arrived shortly after he did.  But he took it in good part and is now peacefully asleep. 

As our Saturday nights are now free, we are able to attend social events in a way we haven't been for years.  So all you folks who have been queuing up to invite us to dinner - now's your chance. 

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