Judging Heelwork To Music

Up at 5.

Dog walk

Drive to the European Championship ring.


Ready to start judging at 8 am.

Luckily I have Ingelise with me to look after the boys, because I have been stuck behind the judges table from 8 am to 5 pm.

I am exhausted but it has been an amazing experience so far. Seriously hard work and my brain has stopped functioning, but it has been fantastic.

One of the hardest moments of my day is shown in this blip. Helle performed an stunning routine and all I wanted was to jump up, run to her and give her a big hug. But I had to stay calm, analyze her work, put my score on the paper, forget about her and be ready for the next dog to enter the ring. I had a lump in my throat and my eyes were wet - I was so happy for her. 

This is Helle's reaction, when the music stopped and she knew she had done it. 

The other 4 judges agreed with me that Helle was great, so she qualified for the final on Sunday. My other friend Sidsel (Shadow's owner) qualified for the final too. Well done both :-)

Night night Blipland
Emmy and the Hazyland

PS. this picture was taken with my camera, which the Danish team has been borrowing all day, but I did not take it :-)

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