I Look Like....

A detective!

I went to Guildford again to browse. Actually I'm in dire need of new and smarter work clothes for September but I haven't actually found very much yet. I tried a coat on in Massimo Dutti, but to be honest it was far too expensive and felt like a dressing gown! 

I felt happy today. I always feel a bit cautious though. There's nothing in particular to feel happy about, but I almost brace myself when I feel it, because I always think that that means something bad will happen. Like I can't really allow myself to feel ok, just in case something that I don't know yet will make me feel the opposite. I don't want to ever go there again.

I went to gym and it was a good session. More almost back walkovers, and some fun giants on the really high bar. It was good fun and I (almost!) like the pain I feel the next day! 

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