All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch


It's only Tuesday and already it's turning into the week from hell.

On top of Cleo's health issues, our hot water wasn't working last night. No problem, we thought, we'll call out Scottish Gas as we have a contract with them. They duelly came out this morning. Can fix the fault fine but told be as building regulations have changed over the past 12 months since they were last out, one of our valves no longer meets the required standards. Although they'll fix the fault, unless we get the valves upgraded (at a cost of £245) they'll have to then shut it down anyway!

I'm in denial today about the fact tomorrow could be decision time for Cleo. I don't know if it's wishful thinking on my part but she seems much more lively today. Rather than spending all her time curled up on my bed, she has been wandering round the house loads and has been very sociable. She has also been eating ... nowhere near as well as usual but little and often of her cat crunchies as well as bits of ham. And she has drunk a decent amount of water from the taps today too. Her wheeze is still pretty bad though and it's very worrying that it hasn't improved, despite the antibiotics and steroids.

I don't know if Ethan senses something is wrong but he keeps going up to her and giving her big kisses on the head and big cuddles. And she has been letting him. It's so nice to see. In fact, last night she kept following him around and seemed to be askinng for him to pay her more attention!

Hubbie was initially trying to tell me last week that I needed to accept she may be dying. But he now seems to be in denial too as he doesn't want me to take her to the vets tomorrow as he considers her "out the woods". I don't think that's the case at all and I suspect this isn't something she's going to recover from long term. But as she has been so much more perky today, I'm getting through tonight by refusing to accept tomorrow is decision day. Will see what tomorrow brings.

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