Finding Nemo

It was the 4th birthday of Maldon prom parkrun today.

I had volunteered to help with setting up and arrived just before 8. Crossing the playing field to the storage hut, I picked up a handful of littered cans and bottles and Nemo.

The litter was dispatched into a bin and Nemo then accompanied me on my setting up duties, where I took a photo of him at every sign. Having done the lake set up quite a few times now, I was quickly back with the other volunteers and able to help with a few other jobs including setting out to funnel and then, shortly before nine, raising the car park entry posts to stop traffic.

Sue who set up the parkrun said a few words about how volunteering can improve your experience of the event (I can't argue with that) and then today's race director Elaine did her safety briefing and we applauded people reaching milestones and a few tourists.

Then we headed to the amphitheatre for the start and I realised that my headphones were broken so it was going to be a music less jog for me. I felt OK as we headed out and was managing a fairly comfortable pace. I made sure to thank the marshals on the first lap as I was getting hot and wondered if I'd have enough breath next time round.

I was delighted to reach the lakeside toilets before I was lapped by the leader. Often first to finish, this regular, said well done as he passed me. I need to get me time to sub 30 minutes if I am not going to be lapped. Maybe one day!

I was about 10 seconds slower then my personal best in the end. Not looking forward to seeing the photos as I definitely pulled some odd faces at the photographers. And I looked like I had been plugged into an electrical socket when I got home.

A quick shower and then out for a full English. Not a bad way to start the day .

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