In the back row

AGM's are never the most exciting thing and ours today was probably the most boring until we got to our Achiever of the Year. This year Sifiso's story was told.

Running a successful Internet cafe, Sifiso pretty much had his life sorted out until he felt unwell one day. He drove himself to his local hospital before experiencing 3 strokes in the space of an hour.

Long story short Sifiso was discharged and spent the next three years bed ridden as he was told he would never walk again.

That was when our home based care workers met his mother by chance and she offered to come and help.

One year down the line, Sifiso is walking and is attending a skills program to help him get back to be economically independent.

That is exactly why we do what we do. Hopefully the R5k that goes with the award will help too.

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