Sunday Afternoon Relaxation

What a lovely warm afternoon!

Four of us spent it playing Scrabble on the Patio - we actually persuaded the men to join us today - and my sister had a snooze.  Mom never stopped asking questions all afternoon except when the was commenting on how quiet it was...

This shot is Dad and SHH preparing to play Scrabble.  Do you like my trainers drying in the background?  

Mom was all right with the Scrabble today.  The new development was that at church she didn't know what to do with the communion wafer.  something else to keep an eye on.

On another issue, back to the PPI people, as I suspected, my sister was able to confirm today that Dad had sent off a form to the company who are now pestering him.  He finds it difficult to accept that he may have done something a bit silly and so conveniently forgets...   We will see what happens with that one too!  Thank you all for your advice.

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