Junior and...

Today has been full and fantastic.

Lovely to catch up with EJ at Coldomo after her 2 weeks in Glasgow. She's positively glowing like a sparkly unicorn. 

Walkies took place at Skaill where we headed north to avoid the people. We met John, a local farmer and took time to chat whilst his two neddies ambled about us. 

Back home we prepared to go out on the bikes. After a loop of the West mainland I didn't feel like it was quite time to call it a day so while Gorgeous put Junior away, I scooted off for a bit more fun.

I've only been out on my bike 3 times but each time I've been astounded at the progress I'm making. Today I felt so much more in tune with the bike and the road. My cornering has improved so much but I know there is still room for much more improvement...and I'm looking forward to the journey.

I'm still trying to find a name for my bike...not quite sure yet.

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