Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Riders of the dawn


Darkness, cold and damp to the eye, a blanket of nothingness, a void of unreason. My eyes searched for those little details that define day from night, an unhappily fruitless endeavour. Too dark, it cannot be time to get up! I closed my eyes and immediately lost half an hour.

Out into the morn, brooding skies prowl over head. The cloud spits out at me in an unsociable manner, heavy singular drops of rain meant just for me. A morning for despair, a malevolence to intent to ignore, spiteful wind filled with spitting loathing, I pulled my jacket around me and hurried to the car.

Still, half way there now, and no sign of the sun. The dullness of the day dragging wide yawning breaths from my chest, my mind a little foggy from the dips and hollows that refuse to admit the weakling light. Onto the bike and the clouds wrap fingers round the struggling fiery orb, reluctant and vengeful they cling to any escaping rays. A day for the dark riders! No apocalypse....but a doomful air!

Hah! At last...the warm light of the coffee shop! "Your biggest mug of coffee please!" And then..."bestow upon me that rascally muffin too, my thanks good sir!"

So begins today's adventure :)

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