Aperture on Life

By SheenaghMclaren

Sunlit Spiders

I found the Sunflowers flattened this morning, together with the Holly hocks and the Lovage. The Sunflowers were putting on a good show and full of spent heads that I leave to seed for the birds. Nothing over two foot tall has survived the weather of the past couple of days. Although the rain was very heavy, compared to the North, we have come off lightly.

There was no obvious reason for the power cut that affected 2,800 homes and businesses around Guildford. I came home to a powerless house at 1.30pm and still had no electricity when I left for work at 9pm. Although most of the damage was resolved fairly quickly, they told my neighbour that 29 properties, ours included were left in the dark until the early hours of the morning. I'm forcibly back blipping this.

I feel deeply for those who have had severe flooding and storm damage added to the mild inconvenience of lack of a computing and a TV.

I took the dogs for a second walk, as there was little else I could do. The evening sun is lower now and makes a glorious back drop for photographs. This little spider, Linyphia triangularis or Common Hammock Weaver, was hanging from the dead Foxgloves heads in the wood. They are money spiders and very common in the hedge rows where they weave sheet webs. Hanging upside down from the underside, they lay in wait of passing insects to drop in.

It wasn't my intention to blip, yet another, spider but I liked the way this ones legs were illuminated in the dappled light. Definitely not useful for ID purposes!

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