
Shot on the way back home from work.

Began at about 06.00, started the day with some ironing.  I just needed to create more space for the batches that still needed to be washed, so what better way than to clear the line.  Yes, at 6 a.m., which is not so strange, actually, as many Filipino families do things like this at this unlikely hour.

Left after the rush hour and arrived on time for the meeting, but didn't find the room, so just shrugged my shoulders and finished the 2-week lesson plan I had offered to do for the Business Comm group for our new-curriculum second-year students.  We are really doing things in a different way and so the old lesson plans no longer apply.  Had I been asked to do this before the holiday ... no way!

What I went after today was the class lists.  I always want a basis for introductions in the first week, and I want to get started on attendance trends.  The updated lesson plans from the other colleagues got organized as well, and I was done for the day.  I've also began noting down how many hours I actually work.  On paper, after an inventory of all my projected hours till the end of the schoolyear in 2018, I already have 233 hours of overtime.  Since there is currently no budget to pay them all, aside from two extra weeks of holiday I have already been promised, the idea is to cut down the excess by getting the maximum done in the minimum of time without sacrificing efficiency and professionalism, which means making sure my planning is linear and organized.  Given my simple head, I just have to keep track of what's on my mental list and do things one at a time.  Multi-tasking will be reserved for emergencies.  I've also decided not to attend any plenary gatherings, if I can avoid them, because they're usually just a lot of theoretical blah.  And there they are -- my Friday afternoon resolutions.

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