Fuzzy Peaches

Was trying out some filters and this shot came out this way.  I have no idea now which filter it was but, well, why not?

Hubby returned to the old house today and harvested the mail and the fruit, peaches and grapes.  Then he went to friends S and B's place and brought them the little holiday gift we bought for them, a Buddhist bell, plus some of the fruit.  He had used my car because diesel is loads cheaper here.  After a while at their place, he phoned to tell me that he had locked the car key inside, so could I please drive over and open it?  That meant I had to drive his car, which is a challenge because it is much larger and my cushion was in my own car, so I sat at the edge and semi-stuttered to our friends' house, where I also enjoyed hanging around a bit.  Their garden is lovely now and their neighbour has an apple tree dripping with fruit which I would have loved to shoot, but I had forgotten to bring the camera.  Apparently, we're still woozy from the holidays, and the shot reflects our mood perfectly.  The peaches look yummy, though, don't you think?

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