Emergency Blip!
It's been a frustrating couple of days trying to sell the car on line, locally. I don't "do" facebook as a rule, so it has been a steep learning curve. After a lot of faffing with various bods, we have decided we might just keep it until it dies the death for the amount of money we will get for it. How folk manage to lead a normal life while tied to the internet all day, I do not know! Constantly being interrupted and hassled when you are trying to get on with things, and then them getting ratty when you don't reply immediately! Grrr!
Hey ho! Off to the shop in the afternoon to greet two coach loads of visitors from the Marco Polo and very lovely and friendly they were too. The fact that it was a sunny day and they were able to see Orkney at its best was a bonus. Several of them remarked on the awful TV programme they had seen about the liners coming into Kirkwall and how it bore no resemblance to their experience. Phew!
No photos taken all day except a wind swept poppy, so here is the current bathroom Streptocarpus. They each take a turn in there!
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