Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Just another hummingbird...

A rainy, chilly day...making perfect hummingbird weather.  Although the numbers are dropping, I counted six youngsters roaring through the yard this morning, chasing each other and just about anything else that got in their path.  I watched one amped-up hummie chase a titmouse that was at least 10 times its size.  And that titmouse was trying every trick in its book to get out of the hummie's sights.  Very entertaining.

Three butterflies emerged today in the nursery; two females and one male.  I am going to wait until tomorrow to release them given the weather conditions today.  They typically don't eat for the first 24 hours after emerging, so it won't be any hardship to keep them until tomorrow.  All three are being released in the memory of departed loved ones.  The females are honoring the mothers of two friends of mine; the male is going to be released in memory of a 25 year old son who passed away last year.

I have at least 40-50 more monarchs who can be released in someone's honor/memory, so please let me know if there is someone you want to remember in this way.  You can leave a comment, or email me directly if you prefer.  

The dismal weather is leaving me with no excuses to avoid the looming paperwork on my desk.  Alas...

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