campervan man

By campervan

Is this plant learning??

The Yucca in my garden has a bit of history behind it. We bought it probably a dozen years ago in a sale at a plant nursery. It was in a pot that was too small for it and was growing at right angles to the pot, so sideways. The nursery man said it was about 10 years old, the last of a batch he had, it was the runt of the litter. We brought it home and re-potted it ,upright, in a larger ceramic pot where it stayed until a couple of years ago ( this time included a year in storage whilst our move to Norfolk went through). When I planted up the flower bed in the front of the house  I took it out of its pot, a very difficult operation, and put it into the ground where it has thrived. It now has at least 4 crowns growing and three flower heads.
It has flowered before several times but will insist on doing so late in the year when the frosts will cut it down before its reached its full beauty. This time it seems to have started earlier. Maybe this years display will be better, especially if all three heads bloom. More Blips to come I think

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