Sail in to Reykjavik


This was the beautiful morning that greeted us as we sailed in to Reykjavik. Our tour took us out to the stunning Kleifarvatn Lake which is one of Iceland's deepest and had the most gloriously still surface which gave beautiful mirror reflections. We then moved on to the geothermal fields of Krysuvik. It was really interesting to listen to our guide telling us on the coach all about how hot water from underground gets piped directly to 90% of houses and how some roads are built with hot water running underneath them which keeps them ice free. Finally we went to the Viking World Museum. The Vikings had lived in most of the places we visited on this cruise. We also had a quick look round the shops in town in the afternoon - Iceland is unbelievably expensive with a fridge magnet costing about £8 and an Icelandic jumper costing at least £200. What I remember most though is the stunningly beautiful scenery including lots of mossy lava fields. Some additional photos can be seen in the postcard in Extras.

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