
By NellyO

Sheffield Cathedral

A bit of a frustrating day, I did manage to do two good interviews, but felt like I spent hours and hours on public transport (well I did spend hours and hours on public transport, lots of waits and go-slows due to the rain, and I didn't get back to my friends' place till 10.30pm!) and had to rearrange another interview as I couldn't get a taxi at that time. I'm such a city girl, I couldn't believe it when they all told me they couldn't give me a taxi because it was school run time! (this happened a little way out of Sheffield; it wouldn't have happened in the city). But that was how it was, so I had to while away a bit longer than originally intended in a Sainsbury's cafe. Oh well, a researcher's life is never predictable!

After my first interview I had a bit of lunch up in Sheffield centre, and quickly popped into the Cathedral, which I've never explored. This is looking up near the entrance.

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