Pet Hate

I hate Hi-Vis outfits.
They may have their occasional place (very occasional) - however, every Tom, Dick and Harry wearing them at every opportunity in the most unnecessary circumstances just points to no common sense, the sheep mentality and jobsworth, 'Elf'n'Safety', PC towing the line.
A full waterproof (including hood) outfit on a hot, sunny day to go and pick up litter away from any kind of traffic  just goes to prove my point (and there were 3 others sitting in similar garb in a van having breakfast ..... and a bus driver driving his bus in one!)

I could have bored you with another Butterfly picture - or another Autumn coloured leaf ...... or even a lichen encrusted Rowan 
But NO ... I give you a rant and a moron in an inappropriate outfit.

Morning coffee with Mrs Mac this morning so that she could catch up with No1 son & family.
In the afternoon they headed off to visit my sister. SWMBO headed to bed with a migraine (I really need a big lottery win so we can bugger off to the Caribbean and get away from these crap weather fronts).

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