Hawthorn Cottage

Dark skies and showers this morning, but they soon cleared and a lovely sunny and warm day, with a lovely evening.

I had a day off on holiday, with plenty planned.  I headed into town in the morning, and then along family for a cuppa later.  The rest of the morning was at the new house.  Me, mam and peerie Brian headed out for lunch, with Brian collapsing and rushed to hospital in an ambulance.  I've spent most of the day there, and evening too.  He's come at tonight and staying in.  He was cracking jokes, so hopefully will recover soon.  A quick walk with Sammy, and then off to work in the pub.

After getting the keys to the new house, it was great to get in today and make a start to the decorating.  I've started stripping wall paper today, and will continue tomorrow.  So this is my new house from the outside, Hawthorne Cottage, Houl Road, Scalloway. 

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